Deep Listening with Footsoak
A service for folks experiencing homelessness in West Oakland, prioritizing Black Womxn
Service Description
Danielle Wright will offer deep listening/archiving of stories regarding the direct impacts of skyrocketing rent in the Bay Area in general and in Oakland in particular while offering detoxifying foot soak. I will provide the tub, epsom salt foot soak, clean water, sanitizing and cleaning supplies, clean towels, and clean socks. The image is a painting of Pauli Murray by Danielle Wright. Murray was a black activist, feminist, lawyer, priest, poet, author, and educator. As a founding member of the Congress of Racial Equality, or C.O.R.E. and later the first black woman to become an Episcopal Priest, she was regularly at the vanguard of social movements of her day. As a gender-fluid individual, she challenged not only racism but also sexism within the movements in which she worked. She became a leading civil rights activist during her time, coining the phrase "Jane Crow" to both name and examine the ways in which Jim Crow segregation specifically impacted black women. The painting is part of a series by Danielle called #BlackWomxnsHerstoryMonth, a sustained meditation on the historical, political, social, and cultural contributions of #Black #Womxn / #women in the U.S.

Contact Details
349 15th St, Oakland, CA 94612, USA