Dream Farm Commons is an artist’s run exhibition and project space in downtown Oakland focusing on sculpture, installation, social practice, performance and experimental works
About Us
Dream Farm Commons is a small, artist run exhibition and project space located in a store front at 15th and Webster in Downtown Oakland. We make exhibitions, along with pop ups, dinners, workshops, performances, social practice projects, and mini residencies. The space was founded by three visual artists, Ann Schnake, Stacey Goodman and Robert Gomez Hernandez in May 2018. Ann has stayed as a holder of the space while the group of working artists has expanded and contracted like an accordion-- Shout out to Jeremy Kirshbaum, Shilpi Komar, Jes Young, Carissa Clark, Daniella Nevel, Kico Le Strange ,Guillermo Galindo, Selby Sohn, Tosha Stimage, Cassy Thornton, Kathy King, Connie Zhang, Joseph Tanke, Kim Anno, Alicia Escott, Simone Bailey, Glenna Cole Allee, Olivia Cueva and the hundreds of other artists who have made this space live!
And what does this mean, Dream Farm Commons? The Dream part of our name came from our idea of an artist’s role in dreaming into or foreshadowing new worlds and possibility; the Farm comes from our desire to stay grounded and productive; the Commons signifies our desire for this space to be larger than our individual practices and to be a site for gathering, big thoughts and shared space.
Being an artist run space means holding the realities of an art practice first and foremost, and being willing to morph and change for what is needed, including flexing from gallery into studio, performance, meal or workshop space and continual reinventions! For a long time we made monthly exhibitions; now we are thinking about sustainability and the long arc of conversation.
We are currently in an active August through December flurry of exhibitions: at other periods of time, DFC is functioning as an artist’s studio with slowly unfolding works. we are feeling into a rhythm of when the commons is live, with more movement, collective and individual works by other artists, and more formal programing and when it is artists work space.​
As one of those through threads for this year, during quiet and busy times, we are holding exploration of subjectivity and world making as a focus, and hosting a feminist philosophy and art theory group,. Reach out if you are interested in these topics or have ideas of other small gatherings. .
Visit us at 349 15th Street
between Wester and Harrison in downtown Oakland
DFC is open on Fridays and Saturdays 12- 6PM and by appointment but check the right now page to confirm hours-- we stay flexible! Email info@dreamfarmcommons.com if you would like to visit or for more information.
To join our mailing list for upcoming events, send an email; follow us on Instagram @Dream Farm Commons.
Dream Farm Commons is an independent fiscally sponsored project of ProArts. To make tax deductible donations to Dream Farm Commons visit here
Or donate directly here

Artwork clockwise from top: Ann Schnake, Hunter Franks, Stacey Goodman, Cassie Thornton, Simone Bailey, Shisi Huang