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This is our second exhibition at our new Dream Farm Commons annex space: Ricky’s Tribune Barber Shop. The new site to be explored is at 341 15th Street, two doors down from our main  galleryspace. Ricky's Tribune Barber Shop was a live barbershop in downtown Oakland for over 50 years; first in the Tribune Building on 13th Street and then later in our building on 15th Street, run by the ever kind, ever diligent Ricky Ramirez of Oakland, who is greatly missed by the street years after his passing.


KATHLEEN KING is a San Francisco Bay Area-based artist who makes assemblages, sculptures, and installations of materials garnered from the waste stream. King reflects on states of coexistence, contingency, and control in what becomes apparent from what we discard. She challenges viewers to look at abandonment as both a material and a spiritual condition and to think about how our satisfactions and consumptions are linked to global climate catastrophe.

For more information about her work visit her website 

Vexed Insurrection
Kathleen King
Opening February 15, 4-6PM
At Ricky's Tribune Barbershop Annex at Dream Farm Commons, 
341 15th Street, Oakland


There are many iterations of plastic spires that Kathleen King calls Monuments to the Precariat. In VEXED INSURRECTION, King’s current installation at Dream Farm Commons, the space is filled with these spires: stacked plastic containers with fabric springing from their tops and coiling into nests on the floor. Contradictions exist between
the nests, spires, and their linkages. The materials feel troubling. Discarded plastics and fabrics are artifacts of colonial/capitalist waste culture. They are residues of our intimate exchanges and the exhaustion of our daily lives. Rather than discarding these materials, King uses them to intuitively map the creation of new existences, transmuted forces of uncertainties that aspire to birth new cartographies.  
This installation is inspired by Spheres of Insurrection: Notes on Decolonizing the Unconscious by Suely Rolnik — read and discussed in the Rad Fem Reading Group at Dream Farm Commons. To quote Rolnick:
“The possibility of constituting fields favorable for the emergence of an “event”– which is to say the emergence of an effective transfiguration in the fabric of society – hinges upon collective reappropriations of the drive. Thus conceived, an event is the result of the germination of embryonic worlds that resonate across bodies and lead those bodies to unite, producing a birthing nest for other modes of existence and for their respective cartographies.”



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